King of The Hill Tournament (Sponsored by Dragontail Gaming)
Dragontail Gaming and BasedAisk presents: King of Dragon Mountain, a Tekken 7 King of The Hill Invitational!
Hello bois, I hope you all had a great New Year!
I would like to thank every degenerate who has been part of Salty for the last year, it is safe to say that I did not expect the community to grow at the rate that it has. I’d also like to extend a special thanks to everyone who has helped me the past year, whether it be moderating, commentating or doing the occasional odd job. Seriously, you guys are the BEST and Salty would not be where it is without you!
On a personal level it has been a ton of fun travelling and meeting a bunch of you guys, and I hope to be able to travel even more this year. When I look back at the past year it is full of great memories, and I hope that 2019 will bring even more!
Now, with 2018 behind us it is time to look ahead at what 2019 will bring for Salty EU and the community. As some of you might have noticed we have gotten a few more moderators on our Discord server. The server has grown to contain more than 400 people, and I want to ensure that it is a place where everyone can feel welcome. It is important to say that I do not want the place to become excessively moderated, however, it is nice for someone to be able to step in when I am not online.
We will also update the #info on Discord in the next few days (it was horribly outdated anyway) and add a few ground rules. Do not expect the addition of rules to change the Discord much, it will mostly be there to justify cases where rules might need to be enforced.
Speaking of rules, the Salty EU tournaments will also have a few rules changes. Firstly, the rules themselves will be rewritten to minimize misinterpretations. Secondly, new rules that have always been implicit within the community will be added, to ensure the best experience for all.
Finally, players from outside of Europe, including Israel, will no longer be allowed to participate after Salty EU #60. While I feel bad for banning some people who have been with Salty since the beginning, I do believe it will be the best solution moving forward. The rules have been way too ambiguous regarding who could participate, and that has caused more issues than I can count.
This rule change is meant to limit the amount of connection related issues at tournaments and improve the experience of all competitors. Additionally, the rules will be easier for me and my judges to enforce, if they are less ambiguous. Now, off to something a little more exciting!
Thanks again to everyone for being a part of Salty in 2018, let’s have an awesome 2019 as well!
Dragontail Gaming and BasedAisk presents: King of Dragon Mountain, a Tekken 7 King of The Hill Invitational!
It's time for another SaltyEU Tekken 7 Team Tournament! This time with an extra convoluted point system.
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